SWAPS Children's Braille Newspapers x RobinAge 

In October 2023, to extend the impact of the project's focus, SWAPS converted India’s most popular children’s newspaper, Robinage into Braille. It’s one of the first children’s newspapers to be converted into braille in Maharashtra. 

SWAPS further worked with the National Association For The Blind, India, for the distribution of 100 copies of braille newspapers in English to 35 blind schools located in Maharashtra, reaching approximately 1500 students.

In the future, SWAPS plans to continue providing quarterly access to the Robinage Braille newspapers to blind students in Maharashtra. 

SWAPS features in the RobinAge December 2023 Issue
This incredible initiative by the founder of SWAPS was recorded by RobinAge in a special feature where Ariana's journey was published as part of their December 2023 issue cover page. 

Here's how RobinAge commemorates Project SWAPS: 

"After 15 years of connecting children with the world’s happenings, we at RobinAge are thrilled to extend our reach to the fingertips of the visually challenged. 

Thanks to a project coordinated by Ariana Singhi, a 16-year-old student, in collaboration with the National Association for the Blind, an issue of RobinAge has been transformed into a Braille newspaper and distributed to 30 active blind schools."

Read more to learn about Ariana’s project and how it all began: https://www.robinage.com/a-new-vision